Buddhism doesn’t say ordinary people can’t masturbate, although it is prohibited by the Buddha’s rules for monks and nuns, who are supposed to live celibate and chaste lives. In general, Buddhist teachers recommend that we keep track of desire, how it comes and goes. Sometimes, they say, not acting on impulse–like the urge to masturbate–we can see how desire falls away if you don’t give in to it immediately. Talk about masturbation with other
Christian: Catholics
The Catholic Church views masturbation as “an intrinsically and gravely disordered action.” Any sexual act outside of marriage not intended for procreation is considered inappropriate. In 1975, Pope Paul VI outlined why masturbation is wrong in a declaration on human sexuality called
Christian: Conservative Protestants
Most conservative Christians do not condone masturbation, although masturbation is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. Christians often conclude that masturbation itself is not a sin, but it is often related to lust, which many Christians believe is sinful. For candid teen talk about masturbation, see this
Christian: Liberal Protestants
Most liberal Christians do not find masturbation to be morally offensive, integrating findings of science and research of human sexuality into their beliefs.
Source: beliefnet.com