Am writing about the women I met dated and probably married, who helped shaped my life. I start my counting with this write up. Any young guy who reads this would reflect himself in the frailty and crass folly that moves men to crave for sex; the same thing that weakens and kills us by installment. I should say, these may be considered as the confessions of a retired Heart-breaker. This is not fiction;my account of what I have seen, spoke, tasted,touched with my body ,soul and spirit.
She worked as a hair dresser or stylist.A Friday born.Call her Afia. Her younger brother was a young junior student in the college I was assistant head prefect. As head prefect then I was very strict stubborn, fearless and extremely legal. No emotions, if anybody contravened the rules of the school, senior or junior, the rules were invoked to the letter. This was a junior and a day student who was late to ‘prep’. I punished him in my class the whole two hours with a promise to continue the next day till such a time when I would be satisfied.
On my way from town am met with a stunningly beautiful woman in her early thirties who introduces herself as the elder sister of the junior kid I had been punishing for lateness. Before long we were seeing each other. I was a virgin, a member of the scripture union and sanctimoniously pious. I was 20 and never knew a woman. I looked very athletic and 5 foot. I looked 27 and grown. The intense emotions and erotic connection overwhelmed my youthful instincts. It looked like I was enjoying myself in sex I later realised I had been hypnotised , bondaged and destruction bound. I was spewing my strength to a woman under the stupid guise of love. It was lust glued together by innocence, stupidity and and equally lustful beholding of the eye.I could not free myself; I was helpless. I had to sneak from campus to see her every night. It was madness.
This lasted till after my final exam. The lady left the man she had been living with for me. There were plots to attack my person on the allegation of taking someone’s woman. I reported the rumour of an impending attack to the police. The case ended. The relationship ended when I found out she had multiple boyfriends. Back then, AIDS was not around. I was bruised emotionallyAnything good about her? Well, she was a beauty then. The last time I saw her; I felt a combination of pity and wounded. I felt I messed myself then and felt pity for her because, she was not married nor had any child; she looked used and dumped. She must have a fighting spirit. Her soul did not look very nourished nor happy. I could have been murdered by broken – hearted thugs and this piece would not have been written. I still feel virtue had left my very being through my association with her. This was the first time a woman had left another man for me; for what reason I still cannot explain. She treated me well but was aggressive and obsessive.
The trappings of food and sex can best be described as pleasures of sin for a season. It is like sweet poison or poisoned honey that leads to only one end – destruction and death. Am I a nice guy at 49? My mom and kids can give you a candid answer.
Enough about one woman who officially broke my virginity. I rest now to have a sip of water. Boys abr3.