The Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission of Ghana has placed a ban on the hunting and capturing of wildlife.
The ban also referred to as the “Close Season” which came into effect on August 1, is expected to end on December 1, 2020.
The five-month ban is in line with the Wildlife convention regulation Legislative Instrument.
Any person who is caught flouting aspects of the convention during the close season will be guilty of an offense.
Executive Director of the Wildlife Division, Bernard Asamoah Boateng, said the five-month ban is part of measures to curb the decline of wildlife resources in the country and offer respite for the animals during their breeding period.
“This is the time science has shown that most of the animals are either pregnant or they have just delivered and are following their parents. So if you kill the parents, it means the young ones will die. If you kill the pregnant one, it means you have destroyed not one animal, but probably it was carrying triplets.
“Just as no one will destroy its goat, sheep or cow when it is pregnant, the same way we don’t need to destroy the pregnant wildlife. We don’t need to destroy the wildlife that is taking care of its baby,” Mr. Asamoah Boateng said.
However, the only animal that can be hunted during the close season is the grass-cutter and that should be done with a valid license issued by the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission.

“The grass-cutter produces prolifically so if you leave it for six months, one grass-cutter will produce many. So what we have instituted is that the grass-cutter can be killed but you need to obtain a license from the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission,” Mr. Asamoah Boateng added.
He, however, appealed to the general public to adhere to the Close Season to avoid arrests and prosecution.