The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Cynthia Morrison has said final year Junior High School (JHS) students would be served varieties of rice dishes as promised by the government.
President Akufo-Addo in his 15th public address to the nation said JHS students who will be seating for the final exams (Basic Education Certificate Examination) will be served with free hot meals on the daily.
These hot meals will be served for both private and public school students across the length and breadth of the country.
Following this announcement, the minister has clarified what foods will be served by saying Waakye, Jollof and plain rice will be the only dishes. She added that ‘Waakye’ will be served twice every week.

Mrs Morrision added that schools that are already charging feeding fees will be made to supply the students with snacks instead since the government’s free meals will augment their efforts.